
S.T.(Geological Engineering)

S1 Teknik Geologi


Program Studi Teknik Geologi Universitas Muhammadiyah Kalimantan Timur hadir sebagai bagian kontribusi terhadap optimasi pemanfaatan potensi sumber daya geologi yang ada di Kalimantan Timur khususnya dan pulau Kalimantan pada umumnya. Serta, upaya mitigasi kebencanaan dan konservasi lingkungan untuk pembangunan dan pengembangan kawasan secara terpadu.

Program Studi Teknik Geologi Universitas Muhammadiyah Kalimantan Timur diinisiasi Ikatan Ahli Geologi Indonesia Pengurus Daerah Kalimantan Timur (oleh Fajar Alam dan Syamsidar Sutan Malim Polawan).

Pada 30 Desember 2020, dikeluarkan Surat Keputusan Menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Nomor 1221/M/2020 sebagai Izin Pembukaan Program Studi Teknik Geologi Program Sarjana pada Universitas Muhammadiyah Kalimantan Timur di KotaSamarinda.

Penerimaan mahasiswa baru dimulai pada tahun ajaran 2021/2022. Program studi Teknik Geologi merupakan program studi baru pada Universitas Muhammadiyah Kalimantan Timur, di bawah naungan Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi, Universitas Muhammadiyah Kalimantan Timur.


Program Studi Teknik Geologi pada tahun 2037, adalah “menjadi pusat unggulan bidang teknik geologi berlandaskan nilai-nilai keislaman, yang berperan aktif terhadap penyelesaian masalah masyarakat dan lingkungan dengan didukung oleh teknologi informasi”.


  1. Mewujudkan penyelenggaraan pendidikan berkualitas di bidang Teknik Geologi berdasarkan nilai-nilai keislaman, sesuai kompetensi akademik dalam rangka menyiapkan tenaga profesional untuk kepentingan masyarakat dan bangsa.
  2. Menyelenggarakan kegiatan penelitian dalam bidang Teknik Geologi dengan mempertimbangkan potensi kearifan lokal yang menghasilkan inovasi dan memberikan dampak positif bagi masyarakat dan lingkungan.
  3. Menyelenggarakan pelayanan kepada masyarakat sebagai upaya penerapan dan pengembangan bidang Teknik Geologi untuk membantu menyelesaikan permasalahan yang ada di masyarakat dan lingkungan.
  4. Mengembangkan program kerja sama dengan instansi pemerintah dan swasta serta asosiasi profesi baik di tingkat regional, nasional dan internasional untuk memantapkan eksistensi S1 Teknik Geologi UMKT.


Program Studi S1 Teknik Geologi UMKT merupakan pusat pendidikan Sarjana Teknik Geologi dengan ciri khas Islami yang bertujuan menyiapkan sarjana Teknik Geologi yang memiliki keahlian dalam merencanakan, melaksanakan, menganalisis dan melaporkan hasil kegiatan evaluasi potensi kegeologian kawasan.

Baik potensi positif maupun potensi negatif di suatu kawasan serta upaya rekayasa geologi termasuk perencanaan wilayah untuk optimasi potensi sumber daya geologi dan mitigasi potensi negatif berupa kebencanaan alam atau lingkungan dengan tetap memenuhi kaidah keselamatan kerja dan perlindungan lingkungan.

Potensi positif dapat berupa potensi bahan tambang, hidrokarbon, material konstruksi, sumber air, geowisata dan lainnya. Potensi negatif umumnya berkaitan dengan kebencanaan alam kawasan maupun hal lain yang berpotensi bencana ketika suatu aktifitas akan dilakukan di suatu kawasan dan mengubah kondisi alami kawasan.

Selanjutnya, dalam mendukung visi Universitas Muhammadiyah Kalimantan Timur sebagai universitas dengan keunggulan dalam bidang teknologi informasi, lulusan program Teknik Geologi ini juga dibekali dengan kemampuan mengoperasikan program komputer terkini untuk pemecahan problematika bidang Teknik Geologi.

Ada empat peminatan dalam program Teknik Geologi, meliputi :

  • mitigasi dan konservasi lingkungan,
  • geowisata,
  • sumber daya energi,
  • sumber daya mineral.

Peminatan mitigasi dan konservasi lingkungan, bagi yang meminati bidang mitigasi risiko kebencanaan kawasan, perencanaan pengembangan wilayah lebih aman dari risiko bencana dan ramah lingkungan, demi kehidupan lebih baik dan berkelanjutan.

Peminatan geowisata, memberikan peluang menjadi entrepreneur kepariwisataan minat khusus kebumian maupun massal dengan memanfaatkan ragam kondisi geologi untuk memajukan perekonomian masyarakat lokal dengan tetap menjaga kelestarian kawasan sebagai ekosistem wisata berkelanjutan.

Peminatan sumber daya energi, bagi yang tertarik memahami potensi keberadaan sumber energi alam dan strategi pemanfaatan migas, batubara, panas bumi maupun sumber energi alam lainnya secara ramah lingkungan.

Peminatan sumber daya mineral, bagi yang tertarik memahami potensi keberadaan sumber mineral dan strategi pemanfaatan bahan mineral baik logam maupun non-logam  untuk metalurgi, telekomunikasi, material pembangunan dan hal lainnya lainnya secara ramah lingkungan.

Setelah menyelesaikan program Teknik Geologi, lulusan dapat bekerja di pemerintahan, sektor swasta, maupun independen baik bidang wirausaha maupun konsultan. 

Pada sektor pemerintahan, lulusan Teknik Geologi diserap pada Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral, Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan, Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, Badan Meteorologi, Klimatologi, dan Geofisika, Badan Nasional Penanggulangan Bencana, Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan Nasional; organisasi perangkat daerah tingkat propinsi, kabupaten/ kota berupa dinas yang linear dengan pemerintah pusat. 

Pada sektor swasta, lulusan Teknik Geologi diserap pada bidang pertambangan energi (migas, panas bumi, batubara, energi baru terbarukan), pertambangan mineral (emas, nikel, bauksit, unsur tanah jarang dan ragam lainnya), pertambangan material konstruksi (batugamping, granit, andesit, pasir batu dan ragam lainnya), jasa konstruksi (jalan, bangunan, bendungan dan lainnya), jurnalis di media massa, dan lainnya.

Pada sektor mandiri, lulusan Teknik Geologi berpeluang pada usaha jasa pengeboran eksplorasi dan geoteknik, penyewaan alat berat maupun penunjang jasa pertambangan, jasa perjalanan dan wisata alam dan budaya, konsultan geologi/ geoteknik/ lingkungan, penulis dan lainnya.

Gelar yang diperoleh bagi yang telah menyelesaikan program Teknik Geologi adalah Sarjana Teknik (S.T.).


  1. Menghasilkan lulusan yang unggul dan berkarakter islami serta kompeten di bidang Teknik Geologi yang mampu menerapkan dan mengembangkan bidang sains dan teknologi secara profesional.
  2. Menjadi pusat penelitian yang unggul dalam bidang Teknik Geologi secara berkesinambungan dengan menghasilkan inovasi yang bermanfaat bagi pembangunan masyarakat dan lingkungan sesuai dengan potensi kearifan lokal.
  3. Menjadi rujukan masyarakat dalam mengatasi permasalahan dan penerapan bidang Teknik Geologi yang sesuai, efektif dan memberikan dampak positif bagi masyarakat dan lingkungan.
  4. Mempunyai hubungan kerja sama dengan masyarakat formal dan informal dalam lingkup regional, nasional dan internasional untuk penerapan dan pengembangan bidang Teknik Geologi yang memperkuat eksistensi Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi.

Staf Pengajar:

Syamsidar Sutan Malim Polawan, S.T., M.T.

Ni’matul Azizah Raharjanti, S.T., M.Eng.

Hendra Santoso, S.T., M.Eng.

Wisnu Ismunandar, S.T., M.T.

Ir. Fajar Alam, S.T., M.Ling., IPM



Untuk dapat mendaftar pada program studi S1 Teknik Geologi :

  • Tidak Buta Warna
  • Lulusan Sekolah Menengah Atas/ Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan/ Madrasah Aliyah/ sederajat.
  • mendaftar melalui

Lama Studi: 

Untuk menyelesaikan program ini, mahasiswa diwajibkan menempuh mata kuliah sebanyak 144 SKS dengan jangka waktu program selama 8 semester atau 4 tahun. 

Geological Engineering bachelor degree


The Geological Engineering Study Program, University of Muhammadiyah East Kalimantan is present as part of the contribution to optimizing the utilization of the potential geological resources in East Kalimantan in particular and the island of Kalimantan in general. As well as, disaster mitigation efforts and environmental conservation for the development of the area in an integrated manner.

The Geological Engineering Study Program at Universitas Muhammadiyah Kalimantan Timur was initiated by the Indonesian Association of Geologists - East Kalimantan Chapter (by Fajar Alam and Syamsidar Sutan Malim Polawan).

On December 30, 2020, the Decree of the Minister of Education and Culture Number 1221/M/2020 was issued as a permit for the opening of the Geological Engineering Study Program for the Bachelor Program at the Universitas Muhammadiyah Kalimantan Timur in Samarinda City.

Admission of new students begins in the 2021/2022 academic year. The Geological Engineering study program is a new study program at Universitas Muhammadiyah Kalimantan Timur, under the auspices of the Faculty of Science and Technology, Universitas Muhammadiyah Kalimantan Timur.


The Geological Engineering Study Program in 2037, is "to become a center of excellence in the field of geological engineering based on Islamic values, which plays an active role in solving community and environmental problems supported by information technology".


  1. Realizing the implementation of quality education in the field of Geological Engineering based on Islamic values, according to academic competence in order to prepare professional personnel for the benefit of the community and nation.
  2. Conducting research activities in the field of Geological Engineering by considering the potential of local wisdom that produces innovation and has a positive impact on society and the environment.
  3. Organizing services to the community as an effort to implement and develop the field of Geological Engineering to help solve problems that exist in society and the environment.
  4. Develop cooperation programs with government and private agencies as well as professional associations at the regional, national and international levels to strengthen the existence of the UMKT Geological Engineering Undergraduate Program.


The Geological Engineering Undergraduate Program

in UMKT is an educational center for Geological Engineering bachelors with Islamic characteristics which aims to prepare Geological Engineering graduates who have expertise in planning, implementing, analyzing and reporting the results of regional geological potential evaluation activities.

Both positive potential and negative potential in an area as well as geological engineering efforts including regional planning for optimizing geological resource potential and mitigating negative potential in the form of natural or environmental disasters while still complying with work safety and environmental protection principles.

Positive potential can be in the form of potential for mining materials, hydrocarbons, construction materials, water sources, geotourism and others. The negative potential is generally related to natural disasters in the area and other things that have the potential to be catastrophic when an activity will be carried out in an area and change the natural conditions of the area.

Furthermore, in support of the vision of Universitas Muhammadiyah Kalimantan Timur as a university with excellence in the field of information technology, graduates of the Geological Engineering program are also equipped with the ability to operate the latest computer programs for solving problems in the field of Geological Engineering.

There are four interest options in the Geological Engineering program, including:

• environmental mitigation and conservation,

• geotourism,

• energy resources,

• mineral resources.

Mitigation and environmental conservation interest, for those who are interested in the area of ​​disaster risk mitigation; safe regional development planning as dealing with disaster risk and environmentally friendly, for a better and sustainable life.

Interest in geotourism, providing opportunities to become tourism entrepreneurs with special interest in geodiversity or even mass tourism by utilizing various geological conditions to advance the economy of local communities while maintaining the preservation of the area as a sustainable tourism ecosystem.

Energy resources interest, for those who are interested in understanding the potential for the existence of natural energy sources and strategies for utilizing oil and gas, coal, geothermal and other natural energy sources in an environmentally friendly manner.

Mineral resources interest, for those who are interested in understanding the potential for the existence of mineral resources and strategies for utilizing metallic and non-metallic mineral materials for metallurgy, telecommunications, construction materials and other things in an environmentally friendly manner.

After completing the Geological Engineering program, graduates can work in government, the private sector, or independently, both in the field of entrepreneurship and consultants.

In the government sector, Geological Engineering graduates are accepted to the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Ministry of Environment and Forestry, Ministry of Education and Culture, Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency, National Disaster Management Agency, National Development Planning Agency; organization of regional apparatus at the provincial, district/city level in the form of a linear service with the central government.

In the private sector, Geological Engineering graduates are accepted to the fields of energy mining (oil and gas, geothermal, coal, new and renewable energy), mineral mining (gold, nickel, bauxite, rare earth elements and others), construction material mining (limestone, granite, andesite, stone sand and others), construction services (roads, buildings, dams and others), journalists in the mass media, and others.

In the independent sector, Geological Engineering graduates have the opportunity to work in exploration and geotechnical drilling services, heavy equipment rental and mining support services, travel services and natural and cultural tourism, geological/ geotechnical/ environmental consultants, writers and others.

The degree obtained for those who have completed the Geological Engineering program is a Bachelor of Engineering (S.T.).


  1. Produce graduates with excellencies, have Islamic character, competent in the field of Geological Engineering with the abilities to apply and develop the fields of science and technology professionally.
  2. To become a research center that excels in the field of Geological Engineering on an ongoing basis by producing innovations that are beneficial for the development of society and the environment in accordance with the potential of local wisdom.
  3. Become a reference for the community in overcoming problems and applying the appropriate, effective and effective Geological Engineering field for the community and the environment.
  4. Have cooperative relationships with formal and informal communities in the regional, national and international scope for the application and development of the field of Geological Engineering which strengthens the existence of the Faculty of Science and Technology.

Lectures Staff:

Syamsidar Sutan Malim Polawan, S.T., M.T.

Ni'matul Azizah Raharjanti, S.T., M.Eng.

Hendra Santoso, S.T., M.Eng.

Wisnu Ismunandar, S.T., M.T.

Ir. Fajar Alam, S.T., M.Ling., IPM


Entry Requirements:

To be able to register in the bachelor degree Geological Engineering program:

  • No Color Blind
  • Graduates from High School/ Vocational High School/ Madrasah Aliyah/ equivalent.
  • register via

Study Duration:

To complete this program, students are required to take 144 credits of courses with a program period of 8 semesters or 4 years.


Head of Programme: 

Ir. Fajar Alam, S.T., M.Ling., IPM

Entry Requirements: 

Untuk dapat mendaftar pada program studi S1 Teknik Geologi :

  • Tidak Buta Warna
  • Lulusan Sekolah Menengah Atas/ Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan/ Madrasah Aliyah/ sederajat.
  • mendaftar melalui

Duration of Study: 

Untuk menyelesaikan program ini, mahasiswa diwajibkan menempuh mata kuliah sebanyak 144 SKS dengan jangka waktu program selama 8 semester atau 4 tahun. 

Tuition Fees: 

Informasi selengkapnya mengenai biaya perkuliahan dapat dilihat di website Penerimaan Mahasiswa Baru, yaitu di:

Programme Structure: 

Semester 1

Kode Mata Kuliah

Nama Mata Kuliah

Bobot sks/ credits

UNI   1101

Kemanusiaan dan Keimanan (Al-Islam 1) / Al - Islam 1


UNI   1104

Pancasila / Pancasila


UNI  1106

Bahasa Inggris/ English


GEN 1101

Matematika Dasar / Basic Mathematics


GEN 1102

Fisika Dasar / Basic Physics


GEN 1103

Kimia Dasar / Basic Chemistry


GEN 1104

Geologi Dasar / Basic Geology


GEN 1105

Kristalografi Mineralogi / Crystallography and Mineralogy


UNI   1107

Aplikasi Komputer / Computer Programs






Semester 2


Kode Mata Kuliah

Nama Mata Kuliah

Bobot sks/ credits

UNI   1102

Ibadah, Akhlak dan Muamalah (Al-Islam 2) / Al-Islam 2


UNI   1103

Bahasa Arab / Arabic


UNI   1108

Pengantar Teknologi Informasi / Introduction to Information Technology


UNI   1105

Bahasa Indonesia / Indonesian


GEN 1106

Matematika Geologi / Mathematics in Geology


GEN 1107

Geologi Struktur / Structural Geology


GEN 1108

Petrologi / Petrology


GEN 1109

Geomorfologi / Geomorphology


GEN 1110

Paleontologi / Paleontology






Semester 3


Nama Mata Kuliah

Bobot sks/ credits

UNI   2101

Islam dan Iptek (Al-Islam 3) / Al-Islam 3


UNI   2103

Kewarganegaraan / Citizenship


UNI   2104

Pengantar Ilmu Lingkungan / Introduction to Environmental Science


UNI   2105

Program Web Berbasis CMS / Website program based on CMS


GEN 1111

Sedimentologi / Sedimentology


GEN 1112

Mineral Optik / Optical Mineralogy


GEN 1113

Geokimia / Geochemistry


GEN 1114

Petrologi Batuan Beku dan Metamorf / Petrology of Igneous and Metamorphic Rocks


GEN 1115

Geologi Pengindraan Jauh / Remote Sensing Geology






Semester 4


Nama Mata Kuliah

Bobot sks/ credits

UNI   2102

Kemuhammadiyahan / Muhammadiyah Knowledge


GEN 1116

Geofisika Eksplorasi / Exploration Geophysics


GEN 1117

Prinsip Stratigrafi / Principles of Stratigraphy


GEN 1118

Geologi Lingkungan / Environmental Geology


GEN 1119

Geostatistika / Geostatistics


GEN 1120

Metode Geologi Lapangan / Geologic Field Methods


GEN 1121

Petrologi Batuan Sedimen / Petrology of Sedimentary Rocks


GEN 1122

Petrografi / Petrography






Semester 5


Nama Mata Kuliah

Bobot sks/ credits

GEN 1123

Stratigrafi Analisis / Analytical Stratigraphy


GEN 1124

Geologi Teknik / Engineering Geology


GEN 1125

Vulkanologi / Vulcanology


GEN 1126

Geologi Sejarah / Historical Geology


GEN 1127

Mitigasi Bencana Geologi / Mitigation of Geological Hazard


GEN 1128

Geowisata / Geotourism


GEN 1129

Geologi Sumberdaya Mineral / Geology of Mineral Resources


GEN 1130

Geologi Minyak dan Gas Bumi / Petroleum Geology






Semester 6


Nama Mata Kuliah

Bobot sks/ credits

UNI   3101

Ketrampilan Berkehidupan / Life Skill


GEN 1131

Hidrogeologi / Hidrogeology


GEN 1132

Geologi Pengembangan Wilayah / Geology and Regional Planning


GEN 1133

Geologi Batubara / Coal Geology


GEN 1134

Geologi Indonesia / Geology of Indonesia


GEN 1135

Referat / Scientific Writing



MK Pilihan / Elective courses






Semester 7


Nama Mata Kuliah

Bobot sks/ credits

GEN 1136

Pemetaan Geologi / Geological Mapping


GEN 1137

Manajemen Proyek / Project Management


GEN 1138

K3L / Health and Safety Environment



MK Pilihan / Elective courses






Semester 8


Nama Mata Kuliah

Bobot sks/ credits

GEN 1139

Tugas Akhir / Thesis






Mata Kuliah Pilihan Semester 6


Nama Mata Kuliah

Bobot sks/ credits

GEN 1140

Iknologi/ Ichnology


GEN 1141

Geopedologi / Geopedology


GEN 1142

Hidrologi Daerah Aliran Sungai /Watershed Hydrology


GEN 1143

Geomorfologi Analisis / Analitical Geomorphology


GEN 1144

Geoteknik / Geotechnics


GEN 1145

Petrologi Batuan Karbonat / Carbonate Petrology


GEN 1146

Geokimia Air Bawah Tanah / Groundwater Geochemistry


GEN 1147

Geokimia Eksplorasi / Exploration Geochemistry


GEN 1148

Geokimia Minyak dan Gas Bumi / Petroleum Geochemistry


GEN 1149

Geologi Bawah Permukaan / Subsurface Geology


GEN 1150

Pengantar Teknik Reservoar / Introduction to Reservoir Characterization


GEN 1151

Geoarkeologi / Geoarcheology


GEN 1152

Geografi Pariwisata Indonesia & Internasional / Indonesian and International Tourism Geography



Mata Kuliah Pilihan Semester 7


Nama Mata Kuliah

Bobot sks/ credits

GEN 1153

Dasar-dasar Pemodelan Air Bawah Tanah / Fundamentals of Groundwater Modeling


GEN 1154

Biostratigrafi / Biostratigraphy


GEN 1155

Petrologi Organik / Organic Petrology


GEN 1156

Mekanika Batuan / Rock Mechanics


GEN 1157

Geologi Kuarter / Quaternary Geology


GEN 1158

Studi Cekungan / Basin Analysis


GEN 1159

Geologi Mineral Bijih / Geology of Ore Deposit


GEN 1160

Geologi Mineral Industri / Geology of Industrial Minerals


GEN 1161

Eksplorasi Endapan Mineral / Exploration for Mineral Deposits


GEN 1162

Geologi Panas Bumi / Geothermal Geology


GEN 1163

Ekonomi Sumberdaya Mineral dan Energi / Mineral and Energy Economics


GEN 1164

Keanekaragaman Geologi / Geological Diversity


GEN 1165

Ekowisata / Ecotourism


GEN 1166

Manajemen Pariwisata Kreatif /
Creative Tourism Management


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